Be Aware With Karinding As
Traditional Culture Which Can Stimulate Social Conscious
By Tyas Siti Nur Asiyah
(2290150047/Sociology education)
is one of traditional music from Indonesia from sundanese. Karinding was made
by the bamboo and in the few century ago karinding use for eradicate the pest
because karinding product the low decibel voice. Beside that karinding also be
an intercommunication music for the young people in that time, and also be a
music which can interested the women with the melody from the karinding because
karinding has characteristic sound to listen, and use for the region ritual as
an accompaniment music. Some history expert
in their opinion said that karinding was come from the Padjajaran
kingdom. Difficult to know when karinding appear in sundanese people because
there is’nt source tell about that. One of the reference that ever made by
Ragil Soeripto and that post in bulletin west java’s culture, kawit on 1192,
Rachmat Ruchiyat has said that beside the throve of bamboo music in Indonesia
that so close with the transmigration the people from Asia on 1000 BC even far
from 10.000-5000 BC there is a few people stay on asia and there’s a few of
them was in Irian Jaya. And Irian Jaya also has a few traditional music from
bamboo like karinding but with another name, like karinding in pasundan called
rinding or genggong in central java and east java or ginggung in Bali. But the
true information about karinding come from should be there is a special study
for it. But in Banten was on 300 years ago karinding appear. But karinding was
extinct on 1953 because the existence was lost with radio in that time. But in
Jaha village karinding was exist again by the young generation who introduce
karinding to the people in Jaha village by the tradisional club Barak Karinding
which give the learning to the people about karinding, and how to play
karinding. Before that karinding in Jaha village was extinct by the era and
way to play karinding is we have to know about the part of karinding is.
Karinding has three part that is pancepengan, cecet ucing, and panenggeul. If
we hit the part of panenggeul, that can product a sound if we keep the
karinding in front of the mouth that karinding squeeze with the mouth can
result a characteristic sound from karinding. That sound setting by our shape
of mouth when we open our mouth, the depth of resonance, and our taking breath.
Karinding can play in single and also in group. And karinding can collaborate
with other bamboo percussion to made a new creation like guitar or celempung.
Karinding is not about music performance but also about the musical drama. For
make one of karinding the old people use the old bamboo one. Because that can
result a good voice and that can survive for a long time than the young bamboo.
we play karinding there is the philosophy that present by Sir Entang the one of
karinding expert from Cicalengka, that philosophy is “Confident, Patient, and
Awareness”. That philosophy contain the value that can use for the player to
implement that value in their life. That philosophy also inspire the player of
karinding to make a creation that can make the people’s conscious to aware
about social reality around us as social human. Like from the song the title “peace”
and another song is “the core of conscious”. From the “peace” that tell to the
people to take the peace in every act with another people because we lived in
Indonesia which has many culture and we have to tolerance to it and make the
peace everywhere. And from “the core of conscious” that tell to the people so
that they use their live to do the best not to waste the time with the worse
thing like consume alcohol and using drug which can make their life getting
philosophy of karinding can also use in the daily live to guide us to face the
problem or when we want to do something to consider with the philosophy to made
our life better that before. In karinding also has the value like we have to
simple in our life that face with the costume that the player use in their
performance. And also the value to always patient and aware also to confident
to face the era and do in our life so to take that value to a new people or to
another people we can use the strategy to success it. Like we can go to the
field together to gather so close and in the free time can play karinding, so
with this we can try to love our culture by go to the field which the place
that karinding the first time was played in the few century ago. And for
remember that karinding is from the the field in the first cause Indonesia is a
agrarian country which there’s so many field in Indonesia can meet and that can
be the strategy for know karinding more, another way we can make the solidarity
so close than before so the people feel comfortable with karinding and want to
play and learn karinding, that strategy can use by eat together, play football
together, hang out to drink a coffee than when a free time can play karinding
together and that the another way to preserve karinding as traditional culture.
Another strategy we can visit to the place that has the culture value and
region value. For the place which has the culture value like visit Baduy as a
culture village in Banten and karinding was there also so that’s the ideal
place to make us more interest to karinding. For visit the place that has religion
value that’s for make us more close with God and that can also be the
implementation by karinding’s the philosophy we also have to aware and sure to
the God and patient to face the problem when we get it. In this globalization
era also we can use the social media for introduce karinding to the people by
using instagram, twitter, facebook, and youtube that’s can be a way to make
karinding more exist and we can give the culture value by the karinding to
another people with the philosophy, creation, and every act when their
performance. Build the relation with another community and the government also
can be the starategy to introduce karinding beside with that the player of
karinding has another experience, with government the traditional culture can
get the attention for be preserve if that was almost extinct. With that
traditional culture can introduce with the government by the government’s
program to preserve the traditional culture. So with that karinding can be the
traditional culture and exist in this globalization era as the identity of
Indonesia in global and karinding also give the value to the listener and that
can stimulate them for be aware with the social conscious like the function of
the music is a music for the conscious like said before in Plekhanov theory. So
when the people know about the value that can live in themselves and than they
can implement about the value in their daily activity, because the people do by
the meaning that they get from something that similar with karinding to the
value in karinding then can be a meaning for the player and listener and then
they implement that for the guide of live in their activity.
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